Ever experienced the shame and embarrassment of a cyber-attack? Admittedly, these are not the first emotions you’d associate with an incursion – fear and panic come to mind. But thoughts of reputation and profile follow soon after, and too many businesses try to brush breaches under the carpet.
This month, we look at the latest attacks. But we also suggest you follow the National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) advice to report infiltrations – for the benefit of all.
More in the news round-up below.
Go on admit it – you hate passwords
They’re forgettable and hackable and you wish there were an easier, better way to stay secure. Well… there is.
Passkeys will almost certainly become the go-to security methodology in the years ahead. Find out more in our post. But be warned – you’ll be using passwords for a while yet, so the post includes tips for creating a solid one.
Rock lifted – ‘Snake’ malware exposed
The UK and allies have exposed a sophisticated espionage tool used by Russian cyber actors against their targets. Find out about Snake malware in this NCSC post – particularly relevant if you work in government, research or media.
Why we need to talk (and talk) about ransomware
Outsourcing giant Capita has reported the clean-up bill from a cyber-attack in March will cost a mammoth £20m .
The firm is also being investigated by Colchester City Council for failure to safely store personal data. The attack is believed to have included ransomware and the business admits customer data was stolen.
Capita has been criticised for a lack of transparency over the hack. In related news, the NCSC is urging organisations to come clean about ransomware, for the benefit of all. Read more in their post.
20% of British business hit by fraud
The Economic Crime Survey 2020 has revealed that one in five businesses had been a victim of fraud in the three years prior to the survey. Worryingly, 46% of businesses that experienced fraud had suffered more than one incident.
17% of incidents related to online banking fraud. Please stay vigilant. And check our blog regularly for security tips and updates.
‘We know what you’re doing… and we’re going to sell you stuff’
You go for a long walk in the country and an ad pops up for hiking boots. Useful or creepy? If you answered the latter, you’ll want to know about Google’s plan to bring more transparency to how apps sell your location data to third parties.
It’s part of a range of new privacy, safety and security features you can read about here.