Keep Children Safe in Education with this Versatile Software

From Ofsted regulations to Prevent Duty, UK schools have a legal duty of care to safeguard children and young people from potential harm. This can be especially challenging in the online world, as young people are often more digital savvy than those whose responsibility it is to protect them.
Impero’s flagship software, Impero Education Pro, was designed in response to UK government statutory guidance, including ‘Prevent’ and the Department for Education’s ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance. It helps schools fulfil their legal safeguarding responsibilities while simultaneously promoting good digital citizenship, by helping to educate young people on how to navigate the online world safely and responsibly.
Let us show you how Impero Education Pro can work for you.
Key Benefits
Impero Education Pro flags up suspicious behaviour so that school staff can intervene in potentially high-risk situations early and before they escalate.
Impero’s simple-to-use classroom management and monitoring software has a suite of helpful features that enable teachers to ensure digital learning takes place safely.

Keyword detection
Including up-to-date libraries of acronyms, abbreviations and slang, which helps identify vulnerable students who may be displaying at-risk behaviours
Incident analysis
When an incident is identified, Impero Education Pro takes a screenshot or video-recording stamped with the date and time, to help safeguarding leads with any necessary investigations
Classroom Monitoring
- Real-time monitor shares learners’ screens with the teacher
- Behaviour management tools such as ‘lock screen’ and ‘disable internet’ ensures students remain on-task and focused
- Teachers can message students remotely, allowing for non-disruptive communication
- Broadcasting enables teaching staff to demonstrate how to perform certain tasks, show videos or share resources
- Restrictions allows teachers to prevent and enable student access to specific resources
- Impero Education Pro has also become a go-to tool for many educational institutions during the coronavirus pandemic. Find out more about Impero Education Pro and social distancing in schools.
Impero Education Pro has also become a go-to tool for many educational institutions during the coronavirus pandemic. Find out more about Impero Education Pro and social distancing in schools. Also, ask us to help you buy laptops and tablets for your school built for ease of use and security.