Did you know that having pets at work can reduce stress and anxiety? Given that Intersys people have their fair share of work-from-home days, animals are the unsung heroes of our teams, helping us to keep your IT purring and putting the bite into our cyber security services.
‘Okay, okay,’ we hear you say. ‘You’ve written a mildly amusing intro. Now show me the pics of cute cats and dogs for National Pet Month.’
We aim to please…
Ooh er, it’s Aries…
Says Vincent Lloyd, Senior Technical Engineer, ‘This is Aries. He is a five-year-old British shorthair cross Turkish Angora. Sometimes a distinguished gentleman and other times not so much. The choice is yours.’

Good lord, Vincent. Some things you just can’t unsee…
The box-mauling bros
Says Mark Redding, IT Services Manager, ‘This is Otto… or it could be his brother Mau, they are very alike. His favourite pastime is destroying boxes and sleeping inside the sofa.’

Continues Mark, ‘And this is Mau… or it could be Otto). His favourite pastime is the same as his brother.
‘Otto is also partial to a game of hide and seek!!!’

Living the dream, Otto and Mau, living the dream…
Sophie says ‘cheese’. But only for cheese…
Says Tristan Nidds, Junior Developer, ‘Here’s a couple of pictures of our Husky-Malamute cross, Sophie, reviewing the Intersys website.’
Probably looking for cookies, eh, Tristan?

Tristan continues, ‘She’s also a fiend for cheese – I had to bribe her with three chunks of Cheddar for this photoshoot.’
Which brings a whole new meaning to, ‘Say cheese.’

High drama for Hamish
Says Intersys MD Matthew Geyman, ‘This is Hamish the English Springer. His happiest place is charging around the cliffs and moors near where we live, or in an adventure elsewhere.’

Matt continues, ‘In 2020 he broke a leg halfway up the second-highest mountain in Wales. We slung him between two walking poles, then carried him down.’

‘He’s 13 this month,’ adds Matthew. ‘But he forgets he’s not a pup any longer and still loves the mountains.’
Hamish, you’re a trooper. May the sun never go down on your wandering spirit.

Buffy slays us
Says Mark Kirby, Professional Services Director, ‘Meet Buffy, an 18-month-old Scottish Fold.’

‘She enjoys sitting in boxes,’ adds Mark, ‘meowing and finding the strangest positions to sleep in.’

We’re getting that, Mark. And her skills as a model. She is just owning the moment here.

Robbie’s home at last
Says Karen Laverock, Head of Operations, ‘This is Robbie! He is a Lhasa Apso who was adopted from Battersea in 2022.’

Beautiful, Karen.
For the love of lizards
Changing direction, briefly, we would like to introduce two dapper chappies who are the beloved pets of Julie Sutton, Finance Director.
For those of you wondering what a gecko offers that a cat or dog can’t, here’s the answers:
Not only do they chirp and click, they keep their eyelids clean by licking them and can shed their tails when under attack. Show us a cat that can do that and you win a year’s supply of gourmet cyber security!

Meet Lego and Alien
Says Yacer Sellam, Senior Consultant, ‘Lego and Alien are sisters from birth. Lego is a dog in cat form and enjoys a bit of fetch with her little mouse toy. Alien is antisocial and enjoys burrowing under the duvet for a nap that lasts 12hrs.’

One thing they do share in common is a love of following Yacer’s cursor. Totally makes sense. Where there’s a cursor, there’s a juicy mouse…

‘Hungry: will pose for treats’
Says Chris Swingland, Senior Engineer, ‘Meet Coco and Dobby, looking attentive only because I’m holding a tennis ball and a strip of jerky.’

And here’s a solo shot of Coco getting a spruce up – and feeling utterly betrayed.
Chris, we don’t know whether to laugh or cry 🥴

Tony had a little lamb
In spring, Tony Healy our Senior Analyst Developer, has his hands full. But it’s not from testing our latest software solution. Tony is busy tending to his prize ewes during lambing season on his farm in South West Scotland.

The ewe on the right is Patch, a Dorset cross Charollais with her two lambs. Patch had a rocky start when she was found abandoned in a field with just one eye. Tony bottle-fed her to full strength and she is now a beloved member of the flock. Says Tony, ‘She is wonderful, (albeit greedy), incredibly friendly and protective. She has put herself between me and a ram that was turning nasty.’
It’s all down to your healing hands Tony.
Eagle-eyed Kai
Kai is the beloved seal point Siamese of marketing lead Gargi Shastri. We post him here taking a brief break from proofreading the homepage to show the world just how fabulous he is.

Kai is a punctilious proofreader to his furry core. He can tell a main claws from a sub claws, he purrs approvingly at well-structured sentences, and occasionally hisses at misspellings.
Perhaps his most prominent trait is a deafening miaow that could make the chap in the background reach for his ears. Seriously, it would make your fillings rattle…
Robo Dog to the rescue
There was a heated debate about whether to allow ‘Mr Steel’, an alloy-based pet dog attached to a vacuum cleaning robot, into this gallery. In the end it was agreed that the combination of metal animal and dust-busting robot were sufficiently interesting to make it.
Says proud owner Jake Ives, Our Head of Security, ‘Every Thursday morning 9am BST on schedule he will pop into my office and say hello.’
A dog that cleans up after itself. We’re waiting for the viral video meme, Jake.

These guys take the biscuit
Finally (because, sadly, IT and cyber security businesses can’t run on pet pictures alone), we’d like to congratulate Keiron Dunnage, IT Engineer, on the arrival of new family members Biscoff and Oreo.
May your days be filled with hugs and carrots, you gorgeous floppy creatures.

No animals were hurt in the making of this blog post, but many hearts were broken as we pored over these pictures. ❤️💔❤️